
Supply and delivery of leak detection equipment for water and sanitation infrastructure and skill tr...
WATER AND SANITATION Technical Services 2025-03-10 2025-03-10 10:00 AM 2025-02-10 2025-02-10 08:56 AM
Design, manufacture, supply, delivery to site, offloading, installation, testing, commissioning and ...
ENERGY Electricity Generation and Distribution 2025-03-12 2025-03-12 10:00 AM 2025-02-07 2025-02-07 07:48 AM
Inspection and testing of mv, lv and streetlight poles for electricity distribution areas: east, nor...
ENERGY Electricity Generation and Distribution 2025-03-17 2025-03-17 10:00 AM 2025-02-14 2025-02-14 08:06 AM
Provision of coaching services and coach capacity
building to the city of cape town.
CORPORATE SERVICES Facilities Management 2025-03-06 2025-03-06 10:00 AM 2025-01-31 2025-01-31 10:01 AM
Supply and delivery of hv protection equipment
ENERGY Electricity Generation and Distribution 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 10:00 AM 2025-02-17 2025-02-17 11:47 AM
Term tender for the construction of civil and
electrical infrastructure within the city of
cape to...
HUMAN SETTLEMENTS Informal Settlements 2025-03-10 2025-03-10 10:00 AM 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 14:16 PM
 tender for the sale and development of various erven bounded by
enslin, crescent and sauer roads, ...
HUMAN SETTLEMENTS Human Settlements Planning 2025-04-07 2025-04-07 10:00 AM 2025-02-24 2025-02-24 08:29 AM
Removal, transportation and disposal of grit and screenings from various wastewater treatment facili...
WATER AND SANITATION Bulk Services 2025-03-25 2025-03-25 10:00 AM 2025-02-24 2025-02-24 09:00 AM
Establishment of panels of language practitioners to provide professional interpreting and translati...
CORPORATE SERVICES Exec and Councillor Support Operations 2025-03-24 2025-03-24 10:00 AM 2025-02-24 2025-02-24 11:50 AM
Appointment of an auctioneer for the sale and lease of municipal-owned immovable properties
ECONOMIC GROWTH Property Transactions 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 10:00 AM 2025-02-24 2025-02-24 15:37 PM
Term tender for rehabilitation of cape flats 1 and 2 bulk sewers.
WATER AND SANITATION Distribution Services 2025-03-18 2025-03-18 10:00 AM 2025-02-25 2025-02-25 13:46 PM
Supply and delivery of 19m3 refuse compactors (supplimentatry to tender 049g/2022/23)
URBAN WASTE MANAGEMENT Waste Services 2025-03-05 2025-03-05 10:00 AM 2025-02-25 2025-02-25 14:22 PM
The city is looking for market-related information on gardening industry norms that are available to...
CORPORATE SERVICES Facilities Management 2025-03-21 2025-03-21 10:00 AM 2025-02-25 2025-02-25 15:04 PM
Provision of professional services in respect of the design and construction monitoring of philippi ...
ENERGY Electricity Generation and Distribution 2025-03-11 2025-03-11 10:00 AM 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 11:09 AM
Supply and delivery of various trucks fitted with rear loading waste compactors with detachable bin ...
URBAN WASTE MANAGEMENT Waste Services 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 10:00 AM 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 14:36 PM
Provision of myciti phase 1 stage 2 public transport services on behalf of the city of cape town
URBAN MOBILITY Public Transport 2025-05-09 2025-05-09 10:00 AM 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15:37 PM
First line response – distribution area east, north and south
ENERGY Electricity Generation and Distribution 2025-03-06 2025-03-06 10:00 AM 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 15:52 PM
Term tender for the maintenance, alterations, additions to and construction of new buildings and str...
ECONOMIC GROWTH PMO (EG) 2025-04-03 2025-04-03 10:00 AM 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 07:53 AM
Term tender for manufacture, supply and delivery of prefabricated concrete plinths/bases for equipme...
ENERGY Electricity Generation and Distribution 2025-04-02 2025-04-02 10:00 AM 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 08:03 AM
Supply and delviery of polyelectrolyte for the conditioning of wastewater sludges
WATER AND SANITATION Bulk Services 2025-04-01 2025-04-01 10:00 AM 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 08:18 AM
Procurement of artificial intelligence and data services
FUTURE PLANNING AND RESILIENCE Policy and Strategy 2025-03-31 2025-03-31 10:00 AM 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 08:16 AM
The procurement of drones, related equipment and software for the city of cape town - safety and sec...
SAFETY AND SECURITY EPIC_Safety & Security 2025-03-31 2025-03-31 10:00 AM 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 08:23 AM
Supply, delivery, repair and maintenance of vaccine fridges medicine fridges and freezers for variou...
COMMUNITY SERVICES AND HEALTH City Health 2025-03-31 2025-03-31 10:00 AM 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 08:30 AM
Maintenance, calibration and repairs of electrical
measuring and test equipment
ENERGY Electricity Generation and Distribution 2025-03-11 2025-03-11 10:00 AM 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 12:11 PM
Supply, delivery, installation, programming, testing & commissioning of two large outdoor video disp...
FUTURE PLANNING AND RESILIENCE Corporate Project, Programme and Portfolio Management 2025-03-25 2025-03-25 10:00 AM 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 15:31 PM
Design, supply, delivery, installation, programming, testing & commissioning of control & management...
FUTURE PLANNING AND RESILIENCE Corporate Project, Programme and Portfolio Management 2025-03-28 2025-03-28 10:00 AM 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 15:32 PM
Design, supply, installation, testing, and commissioning of energy-efficient led floodlights and aux...
FUTURE PLANNING AND RESILIENCE Corporate Project, Programme and Portfolio Management 2025-04-11 2025-04-11 10:00 AM 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 15:32 PM